I disagree with every opinion, action, thought, and molecule ever associated with Daltonius.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Daltonius' Mohammed Musings

In his latest act of digital defecation, Daltonius has portrayed his insight regarding this whole fiasco over that dumb Mohammed cartoon. In his post, he enlightens us with this little gem: "I can type Fuck, shit, cock, balls, and cunt, just to name a few."

Congratulations Daltonius, you're a big boy now! Be sure to put that in your resume.

But in all seriousness, and you can clearly see that's what I'm all about, this whole issue is centered around belief. The Muslims who are partaking in all this rioting believe that it's a sin to portray the prophet Mohammed in any physical form to prevent idol warship. Okay, that's fine. Go ahead and be angry over what was done. I'm willing to consider the fact that if I were brought up Muslim, I'd be upset too, but as fate would have it, I wasn't.

Unfortunately, many of them also seem to believe that it's okay to go completely apeshit, destroying public property and endangering/ending lives over a cartoon. Well, since morality is purely objective, I believe this is wrong, and I don't care how you were brought up or what you were taught.

Perhaps someone might think that sounds closed minded. Let me emphasize that I respect their ability to believe what they're doing is right, in fact I respect their ability to believe anything. I respect their actual beliefs to such an extent that you won't see me trying to change them. This isn't just because I think it would be a somewhat abhorrent thing to do, but also because I think it would be impossible. But I also respect my own ability to think what they're doing is wrong. It's that simple: They think they're right, and I think they're wrong. So when property and lives are destroyed over a cartoon, I lose much of my sympathy for the people involved.


Blogger Daltonius said...

Arthur thinks he's onto something. I respect your ability to be an idiot and a faggot, doesn't mean I wont rape you. There's a fine line between respecting someone and respecting that respect. On that note, you're a slob and a douche.

P.S. I responded to your comment; don't think I don't have answers of my own Arthur.

10:56 PM

Blogger Daltonius said...

Secondly, our discussion is on very minor details. Overall we actually agree. We both realize that we can't change what they believe.

For the record, I posted first, so you took my idea. You just fucking plagiarized my blog. You're a cock and you need to suck one. So I suggest you go back to Oakland and find yourself a nice prison husband to give you all the cock/crack you need.

Eat shit Arthur.

11:00 PM


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