Here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for. The ultimate answer to your existential ponderings has arrived. For I, Olivonius, have devised an ongoing work of art and philosophy so grand that your bowels will throw down the shackles of their every day lives and take the day off. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Yes, dear reader, the time has come. I have begun composing a political cartoon, aptly named, in faux soviet tounge no less, Kartoon Politik. Wait hold on. That doesn't sufficiently satisfy my ego. Let me try that again. Ahem... Aptly named, in faux soviet tounge no less:
That's right, ladies and germs. Sit back and enjoy the first two issues. That means sit back an prepare for two earth-shattering political, philosophical, fundamental paradigm shifts.
Issue One: Gay Marauge

This work signifies the intense feelings of indignation that exist between the United States and Europe, our French counterparts in particular. Does not your mind reel with the robust politikal thought that this cartoon portrays? Sometimes I wack off to pictures of myself.
Issue Two: Party Politiks
(Are you slow? Click the shit ass titties image to enlarge.)

Here's a fresh diaper, I bet you just shat your pants after reading that. You thought you knew what was going on. You thought you knew how the world worked. WELL NOW YOU KNOW FOR REAL. WUHBAM.
Take all that rhetoric you learned from Al Franken, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and especially Ann Coulter and shove it. You don't need it anymore. You just read this cartoon. FUCK. YEAH.
Well, that was fun, wasn't it? Hopefully there's more where that came from. The creative machine is a touchy, wishy-washy, overly sensitive one, and only works when it feels like it. We'll see.