I disagree with every opinion, action, thought, and molecule ever associated with Daltonius.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Harvard Study Shows 85% of Individuals Who Arbitrarily Refer to People as "That Fool" Are Actually Fools Themselves

A recent study from Harvard's Behavioral Science department indicates that as many as 85.6% of individuals who frequently refer to friends and acquaintances arbitrarily as "that fool" are actually fools themselves. The study, which involved a group of participants aged between 18 and 25, recorded test subjects in daily conversation and found that those who made statements such as "Look at that fool's new haircut," and "That fool is stopping for gas" suffer from significant mental impairment.

"Science is rarely so ironic," said researcher Dr. Dale Bennings, "But all the evidence is there."

The news seems to confirm what was once thought to be mere conventional wisdom in the past. Precursors to this newly confirmed scientific fact can be traced as far back as 1977, when Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi asked audiences in the blockbuster film, Star Wars, "Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the twenty-something year old dumb ass who randomly refers to people as fools with no apparent justification?"

Similar research suggests that a correlation also exists between the presence of extra chromosomes and the use of "fuckin'..." followed by a long pause in the middle of sentences.


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