I disagree with every opinion, action, thought, and molecule ever associated with Daltonius.

Friday, January 09, 2009

A Tale of Redemption and the Triumph of the Human Spirit

Allow me to impart an age old tale of wisdom upon you. This story has taken many forms, and the version I am about to tell has been adapted to a modern setting. Nonetheless, the message remains the same.

A young man was driving through the famously convoluted streets of San Francisco, trying to find the freeway. He and his one passenger, a friend of his, had grown quite weary in the process. Eventually he came upon a sign that pointed him towards an on ramp, which he almost missed because there was a large shrub growing in front of it.

In frustration, the young wayward soul did proclaim, "Somebody oughta tell the feminists who run this town to shave back that bush!"

To which his friend replied, "You are truly an awful person."

And you know what? The person who was driving that car on that fateful day... was me.



But really now, was that so bad? I mean, on the scale of awfulness, what I said couldn't have been too terrible, right? Imagine what Hitler would have said if he was driving down the street and saw a Jewish guy standing in front of that sign. That's right, he would probably have told a very crude and lowbrow holocaust joke! Terrible.

You see? Hitler... now there's a nasty guy. I'm certainly not as bad as he was.

Look, I'm a class act all the way. Everything about me just reeks of good taste. Example: When I pee in the shower, I always take care not to hit any of my roommates shampoo bottles or bars of soap. Admittedly, if I happen to be jerkin' the gerkin' in the same setting, I have considerably less control over where the ordinance lands. But really, that's just nature. And nature is beautiful. Case closed.

See, right there I could have made a joke about misguided ordinance in Iraq, but I didn't. Actually, I did, but then I erased it and wrote this instead.


Blogger Dogsonofawolf said...

Yeah, but I'll bet Hitler wouldn't jerk his one-but-actually-probably-two-balled gerkin' (wtf is a gerkin?) on his roomates' stuff. You bastard.

Seriously though, I apologize for any hard feelings. I meant it in the best possible way.

3:07 PM

Blogger Olivonius said...

DzerozeroD, don't sweat it. There's no hard feelings, I just thought it was funny.

Kudos for finding and reading it so quickly. Do you have some kind of alert system?

PS A gerkin is, presumably, a male penis.

5:57 PM

Blogger Olivonius said...

PSS As opposed to the rare but sadly very real female penis, which is not to be confused with a clitoris. This is much... MUCH different. You work in the circus long enough... you see things, man. You see things.

6:04 PM

Blogger DubTak said...

I was curious as to whether this event was me or Trev, but so suppose he's more the awful-ee, as opposed to you and I who are more the awful-ers.


6:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i rather like the joke and imagine that the only thing which could have been awful about it would be your deliverance, quite possibly filled with the genuine hate that seems to reside within your bossom and rise to the surface at any minor perturbance. (i miss you).

paul o.

8:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

who said anything about gerkins? (ear perks up with interest)

4:14 PM


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