I disagree with every opinion, action, thought, and molecule ever associated with Daltonius.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This Post is About Penises

I know what you're thinking:

"So it's finally come to this."

Now, after pausing and reflecting a little further, you're probably thinking:

"Thank you Jesus, I've secretly been waiting forever for Olivonius to write a post in his blog about cocks. This is pretty much why I pay for the internet."

Seriously though, I'm about 82.74% sure you're going to find what I'm about to write quite compelling, and a large part of that figure is derived from the fact that Daltonius reads this sometimes, and he really likes cocks. 82.74% ain't bad. On with the show.

As you may or may not know, most men think about their dicks a lot, and gay men probably have an even busier mental schedule since they're thinking about their dicks and other men's dicks as well. But regardless of sexual preference, one specific concern many men have regarding their wangs relates to size.

Some men consider themselves to be smaller than average while Lil' Johnny is asleep, though average or more when it becomes time for him to go out and play. It's come to my attention that men in this situation are commonly refered to as "growers, not showers." This means that, theoretically, some guy in the locker room who appears to have had genetics throw shit in his face in the Dick Department could be significantly better endowed when it comes down to brass tacks in the bedroom.

This leads me to the point of my post. If there can be "growers, not showers," doesn't that mean there could also be what I like to call, "showers and shrinkers?" Could there be some guy with a nine inch cock that shrinks down to 1.5 inches when it's time to visit the Dick Cave? Perhaps a wang that starts out huge when flaccid, and then reduces down to epically tiny proportions when erect? I don't see why not; I mean, people are born stuck together sometimes, and I saw a cat with two tounges once.

I'm surprised there haven't been any hentai animes made regarding this phenomenon. I could just imagine it: Some underage school girl who is supposedly "eighteen" with a tiny nose and disturbingly huge eyes pulls down some guy with spikey blue hair's pants and then gasps in astonishment at the monster she has unleashed. Then, as the guy's level of arousal increases, they both begin to look progressively more sheepish as his member does a reverse Incredible Hulk. At this point, both character's eyes have inflated to even more rediculous proportions, hash marks have appeared on their cheeks, and tiny tear drops have begun orbitting their heads while they utter noises out of their mouths that sound sorta like "Eeeeh?" and "Waaah!" Then an evil cyborg wizard with a french horn for a head and a noodle processor for a sidekick comes in and turns them into adorable dancing pandas, except they both have bright red baboon asses for some reason. Gee, this is actually turning me on.

At the very least, a feature such as that would spice up any carnival side show. Right there between the bearded lady and The-Guy-From-Any-Given-Seinfeld-Episode-Who-
Had-a-Quirk-That-The-Main-Characters-Couldn't-Stand would be "The Incredible Shrinking Boner," as announced in flashing magnificent neon lettering.

Or something like that. Just throwing it out there.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Historical Pulp Fiction

"My good man, tell me again about the snuff houses."

It was Thomas Jefferson who made this request to Benjamin Franklin, who was in the midst of eagerly imparting the details of his journey to France upon his good friend as they made their way by hansom carriage to a local inn. The particular journey they were making at the moment was not of a leisurely nature, yet their jolly banter could easily lead an uninformed individual to believe that it was. No, this outing was strictly business, despite the friendly conversation.

"Specifically what facts would you like me to impart upon you?" asked Franklin.

"I would be correct in assuming that snuff is of a lawful nature in France, yes?"

"Well," said Franklin, "You would do well to understand that it is only a lawful substance in that land to a certain end. One cannot simply utilize the powder in public. Members of high society in France consider if much more proper to make use of snuff in one's home or certain designated locations. "

"And those are what one may refer to as Snuff Houses?" inquired Jefferson.

"Correct, my brother. The following are considered to be of a nature deemed lawful by the government of France: The purhase of snuff, the possession of snuff, and, if you are the liscenced owner of a snuff house, deemed worthy by the very crown of France, God save the King, you may even vend the substance at your own leisure. Transportation of the powder is also lawful, however that is a moot point brother, because, and harken well unto this, agents of law enforcement under the crown are unequipped with the right to search your person."

Jefferson responded to this news very enthusiastically. "Amazing! Simply fascinating, old boy. These tidings doth make me feel much inclined to pay a visit to these lands in short order."

"I do not doubt that, my friend," said Franklin warmly, "I feel quite certain that you would derive great pleasure in such travels." There was a brief reflective pause in the conversation. "However, dost thou knoweth what may well be the most fascinating aspect of tredding the far off soil of the European continent?"

"Do tell me, old friend, do tell."

"'Tis the small things, brother. Much is the same in Europe as in the colonies, however there are minisicule variations in everyday life over yonder which are nonetheless quite noteworthy."

"Would thoust leave me without a specific example with which to fortify thy claim?" asked Jefferson.

"I would not dare such an injustice, my brother!" responded Franklin, "Allow me to explain: Did you know that it is considered socially acceptable to embibe alcoholic spirits whilst viewing the finest of French theatre? And in no small amount either! Why, entire kegs of ale are made available up in the most expensive balconies! And in Paris, where the King himself resides, you may easily purchase the finest liquors from the lowliest of street vendors! Dost thou know how the local Parisian butchers refer to a quarter pound slab of beef?

"Why, do you mean to say that they do not refer to it as such?" Jefferson's curiosity was brought out further.

"No, their methods of weight measurement differ in such a way from ours that facilitating an estimate of mass in that manner would be nay impossible."

"Then how, pray tell, do they address such a cut of meat?"

"The French refer to it as a Royale le Slab."

"Royale le Slab..." mimicked Jefferson, trying the strange new vernacular on for size.


"And how do they refer to a head cheese?" inquired Jefferson.

"For all intents and purposes, a head cheese is refered to as a head cheese, however in France it is more commonly called le head cheese."

"Le head cheese." Jefferson chuckled heartily, "What term do they use for rump roast?"

"I donno, I didn't eat any pig's ass. But art thou aware of what they put on fried potatoes instead of tomato paste?"

"What, per se?"

"Cod liver oil, my good man."

"Cod liver oil? My God, the savages!"

"I have witnessed it personally on several occasions. They dowse their potatoes in the oil much like a witch is dowsed in a lake by angry villagers!"


The hansom arrived outside the inn, lurching to a stop. Jefferson and Franklin stepped out, stretching their legs and walking around to the compartment in back. Opening it, they each removed a flintlock pistol, and immediately begin priming them with black powder and balls.

"I dare say, we should be utilizing rapiers for this occasion," said Jefferson.

"How many men do you postulate are waiting upstairs?" asked Franklin.

"Perhaps three or four."

"Doth that include our man?"

"I cannot say for certain." In spite of the apparent ambiguity of the impending situation, Jefferson still seemed relatively calm.

"So, the presense of five men is entirely percievable?"

"'Tis not out of the question, I suppose."

"Then I entirely agree with you, we should be carrying rapiers." conceeded Jefferson.

Jefferson and Franklin then concealed their pistols and proceeded over the threshold, entering the inn. They immediately went upstairs, and knocked on the door of the room in which their business resided. The portal was opened by Marvinius, their man. Two other men were also visible. One sat at a small table, supping on a quarter pound slab of beef. The other lay on a sofa, as if stricken with the pox. Franklin noted with distate that this man clearly did not take to the habbit of early to bed, early to rise.

"Greetings, youths. How doth you fair on this fine spring morn?" said Jefferson, strolling into the room casually and without menace, with Franklin right behind him. The young men did not answer. "I'm sorry, perhaps I am currently in the midst of a pipe dream. I do believe I just presented you with an inquirery pertaining to your well being."

"We fair adequately." said the man at the table, apprehensively. At this point, Franklin begin to walk around to the back of the room.

"Are you aware of who we are, young man?" asked Jefferson. The man at the table shook his head.


Jefferson informed him, "We are associates of your brother in arms, General George Washington. You do recall George Washington, yes?"

There was no response from either of the two men. Jefferson eyed the man at the table.

"Allow me to postulate. You would be Benedict Arnold, correct?"

"I am he." said Arnold.

"I assumed as much. You do remember your comrade in arms, George Washington, don't you Mr. Arnold?"

"I do."

"Most excellent, my good man. I do say, it appears my associate Mr. Franklin and I have interrupted your breakfasting. My most sincere appologies. What is this you happen to be consuming?"

"Slabs of beef." answered Arnold.

"Slabs of beef, ah yes, the foundation of any nutritious breaking of fast. May I ask what kind of beef?"

"Longhorn, I believe."

"Ah, but my curiosity lies in its origin. Did thou recieve this bounty from MacDonald the Butcher? Or perhaps Jack the Butcher or Wendy the Butcher?"

"Nay, we purchased this meat from Big Kahuna the Butcher."

"Ah, of course! The butcher from the islands! I've harkened to much jubilation regarding the quality of his stock. However, I have yet to induldge in his produce. Is what I've heard true?"

"His cuts are of high quality indeed, good sir." said Arnold.

"Would you be offended if I were to induldge in a sampling of yours?" asked Jefferson.

"By no means. Please help yourself."

Jefferson picked up the slab of beef, getting grease and oil all over his hands. This was a major deficiency of Slabs of Beef, and Jefferson briefly considered the necessity for a cleaner way to do this. Still, he took a bite and savored the flavor.

"I do say! This slab of beef is simply delectable! I say, Benjamin!" Jefferson called over to Franklin, who was hovering about on the opposite side of the room, "Have you ever savored meat from the stock of Kahuna the Butcher?"

"I'm afraid not, Thomas." said Franklin.

"Then come come old man, have a bite. This is cause for celebration to my palette."

"I am currently not in the mood to consume foodstuffs." he replied.

"Well then," said Jefferson, "If you bare any sort of predilection for slabs of beef, I highly recommend you try this particular brand. My wife, unfortunately, is only prone to the consumption of vegetables and fruits, and this policy of hers sadly carries over to me by default. Which does remind me... Benedict, my good man, would you happen to know how the French refer to a slab of beef?"

"I would not, I'm afraid." said Arnold.

"Will you please enlighten our friend, Mr. Franklin?" requested Jefferson.

"It is commonly refered to as "Royale le Slab," said Franklin.

"Indeed," said Jefferson, "Do you have an notion as to why this is, Mr. Arnold?"

After a brief moment of pensive thought, Benedict Arnold responded, "Would it be because their methods of weight measurement differ in such a way from ours that facilitating an estimate of mass in that manner would be nay impossible?"

"Yes, wonderful, Mr. Arnold!" said Jefferson happilly, "I find your intellectual capacity most impressive." Suddenly, Jefferson took notice of the goblet sitting on the table. "What elixer doth yonder goblet hold?"

"It be well water, sir."

"Ah. I am sorry but I must ask again. Would you be offended if I were to imbibe some of this most refreshing beverage? I am hoping that it may purge some of the remainder of the beef from my mouth."

"Be my guest." Said Arnold. Indeed, Jefferson drank briefly from the cup, then turned abruptly towards the lazy looking man on the cot, who had yet to say anything.

"You there, sir, with the strange quoff, are you aware of why we are currently in your presence?"

"Indeed," said the man on the cot with the bad hair cut.

"Then would you please be so kind as to inform my good friend Mr. Franklin as to where our effects are so craftily stowed away?"

Marvinius decided to answer instead, "They are in the chiffonier."

"I don't believe I recall asking you, sir," said Jefferson, clearly miffed. He turned back to the man on the cot, "Please proceed."

"Your effects are in the chiffonier, the uppermost drawer." said the man. Franklin proceeded to open the dresser, removing an iron lock box. He placed it on top of the dresser, and opened it, peering inside, transfixed by what he saw.

"Are all the contents present and in satifactory condition?" asked Jefferson, who was too far away to see them himself.

"Very much so," said Franklin, coming out of his trance as he closed the case.

"Excuse me," asked Benedict Arnold suddenly, "may I inquire as to your name, sir? As I understand it, the man with the case is none other than the esteemed Benjamin Franklin, but I do not recall hearing your moniker."

"My name would be Jamestown, and you are not likely to escape the winter of your discontent which is about to unfold upon you." replied Jefferson.

"Please, listen good sir," said Benedict, "I'd like to deliver my sincerest apologies on behalf of myself and my colleagues regarding the unacceptable manner in which events occured between ourselves and General Washington. When the war began, I assure you we only had the best intentions-"

A deafening crack resonated through the room as the flintlock pistol went off. The man on the cot was dead. Jefferson held the smoking gun. "My most sincere apologies as well, Mr. Arnold. I do believe I have interrupted your thought process. Do not hesitate to carry on with what you were saying. I seem to recall it had something to do with 'best intentions.'" He began the somewhat lengthy process of reloading the weapon. Arnold seemed at a loss for words.

"Is something wrong, good sir?" asked Jefferson, "Ah, I see, you must have finished making your statement. Would it bother you if I took the floor now? I thought not. Allow me to inquire, sir, how would you best describe the appearence of General George Washington?" Arnold still seemed incapable of speach, so Jefferson savagely, yet with a certain elegance, bashed the table out of the way, spilling food and drink everywhere.

"From what country do you hail?" said Jefferson, yelling now.

"Whateth?" said Arnold.

"I am not familiar with the country of Whateth! I find this most peculiar. Do the gentry speak olde English in the realm of Whateth?"

Benedict Arnold could only think to utilize the one word remaining in his vocabulary to respond.


"English, you silly prat!" screamed Jefferson, "Can you vocalize in plain English?"

"Ay," said Arnold

"Very well, then please, describe to me the appearence of General George Washington!"


Jefferson positioned his freshly reloaded flintlock directly over Arnold's left temple. "Please, sir, I implore you, say 'Whateth' again. I challenge you directly sir, say 'whateth' once more, please!" Arnold was trembling uncontrollably. "Now. Describe, to the best of your earthly ability, the appearence of General George Washington!"

"W-w-well," stammered Benedict Arnold, "He wears a powdered wig..."

"Continue..." urged Jefferson.

"He- he's got wooden teeth..."

"Does he look like a bitch?" said Jefferson.


Jefferson shot a lead ball into Arnold's shoulder.

"Does General George Washington, commander of the Continental Army, look like a collie bitch?"

"Nay!" yelped Arnold.

"Then why, I wonder, why in the name of God's green earth, are you trying to perform intercourse with him like he was a collie bitch?"

"I have done no such thing! Well, not with Washington anyway." Said Arnold.

"You see, Mr. Arnold, I believe that statement to be false. You did indeed. Have you ever perused the pages of the Holy Bible, Mr. Arnold?"


"Well, that's of little importance, because I am not in the mood to quote from it. Besides, Mr. Arnold, I am a proponent of seperation between matters of church and state. I do however, have committed to memory the contents of a document, a document I wrote not too long ago, just before the war started, in fact. Here's something of an exerpt." Jefferson's voice gradually began rising to more grandiose levels as he proceeded to recite the following:

"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the seperate and equal station to which the Law's of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should... they should... they... ah hell, let's just shoot him already."

Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin both emptied their flintlock pistols into Benedict Arnold, who's blood curdling scream could be heard for miles.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Tales From the Metro

Zooming through the universe at theoretically impossible speeds, you may encounter a galaxy with a quaint yellow star located way out on one of it's spiral arms. Set a course for the third planet from this adolescent sun and enter the atmosphere above the northern hemosphere. You should encounter a largish continent that tapers off to the south. Located around the center of this continent (in the north/south sense) is the greatest country in the history of anything. Head for the western seaboard of this impeccable nation.

You should be able to see little boxes drawn out on the ground by now. These are called "borders," and they denote the boundaries of "states." See that big one that's shaped kind of like a boomerang that's been carved out by a special ed kid? Head for that one. Now scan the surface for high concentrations of marajuana. In all likelihood, if you point yourself towards the areas with the strongest readings, you'll find yourself in Santa Cruz, California.

Crashed your spaceship, eh? Repulsor lifts got you down? No worries! Santa Cruz boasts an impressive public transportation system, that is, assuming that the integalactive hegemony known as "The Union" is on good terms with the interstellar empire known as "The Management" when you arrive.

While an effective way to get around, it's worth noting that many galactic tourists who use public transportation on this planet later describe the experience as "quirky," "odd," "bizzarre," "disturbing" or even "fucked up, dude." In Santa Cruz, a town that is often funky enough on foot, this can hold doubly true when utilizing the metro.

Our professional galactic travelers have compiled a small sampling of some of the oddities that you might encounter on the Santa Cruz Metro.

1.) People who can't stop babbling incoherently to complete strangers.

While riding on the 19 express, one of our agents observed a dissheveled earthling boarding the bus and taking a seat next to a youngish human, who was probably attending the local university. The man turned his head towards the student and promptly began to vocalize incoherrently, ending every other phrase or so with "right?." The student nodded nervously at first, but after eventually realizing that the barrage of meaningless verbage and the word "right?" was not likely to cease, he resolved to quietly spend the rest of the ride pretending like there was nobody there. By the time the student had reached his stop (or decided he'd had enough), the talkative man had developed a glazed look in his eye and was drooling. He didn't seem to notice the kid had dissembarked, and kept on talking to the empty chair next to him.

2.) Street people who are overtly racist.

At a bus stop downtown, a pungeant woman of unplaceable age appeared out of nowhere pushing a shopping cart full of clothes and probably dead cats. Upon observing a group of students at the stop, she noted matter of factly that, "You chinks are the reason things are so fucked up around here." An awkward silence ensued for a moment, then the students resolved to burst out laughing until she went away.

3.) People willing to die to ride the bus.

After the metro had just departed from a stop and was picking up considerable speed, a man ran out in front of it. The driver cursed loudly and slammed on the breaks, barely managing to stop in time. The man outside proceeded to the door of the bus, expecting to be let on. The driver opened it and the guy stepped aboard like nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. While this was going on the driver was shouting, "What the hell was that? I almost killed you! Hey, get off and wait back at the stop like everybody else."

The guy grunted irritably and stepped out. We resumed driving.

4.) Missing Wives.

The bus pulled up to a stop and a large bearded man proceeded towards the door to get off. Before he exited, he turned to a group of younger passengers from the university who appeared to be enjoying themselves. He looked at them and stated loudly, "I haven't seen my wife in fourteen years!" The kids stopped laughing and having a good time to stare at him. There was, as is characteristic of these encounters, a brief to medium-length awkward pause. "Don't waste your lives!" he announced, then got off. The kids didn't seem to enjoy the remainder of their ride as much as they had been previously.

5.) Carl's Jr Junkies.

A man stepped aboard and realized he might be on the wrong bus. He approached the driver while we were in motion and asked, "Hey, do you stop at Carl's Jr.?" The bus driver glanced over at him with a befuddled look on his face.

"Carl's Jr.? Santa Cruz doesn't even have a-"

"Shit, I'm on the wrong bus. Look, can you take a detour onto Bay Street? I need my Six Dollar Burger."

"No, I can't. And there is no Carl's Jr. in Santa Cruz. I think there's one in Capitolla though."

"Fuck you man, you corporate whore. It's because I'm black, isn't it?"

Though this man was shrouded in enigma, one thing about him was quite obvious: He was white. Around this point the metro arrived at a normal stop.

"Get off my bus." said the driver, much like Harrison Ford in Air Force One.

The Jr. Junkie showed signs of resisting, but once the driver alluded to radioing the police, he decided to leave, running down the street as fast as he could. "Carl's gonna hear about this, bitch!" he shouted as left.

Well, galactic traveler, that's probably enough to give you a general idea of what it can be like. Just so you know, in case it wasn't obvious, I completely bullshitted the last entry. And the fourth one actually happened in Honollulu. But whatever, the bus is weird. Bye.