I disagree with every opinion, action, thought, and molecule ever associated with Daltonius.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dining Hall Update

Regretfully, I will not be corresponding in email any further with the dining staff, as I have been prompted to communicate with them via telephone regarding this matter. The email I recieved asking me to do this reads as follows:

Hello Oliver,
I forwarded your email to Carol Del Po, who is your accounts advisor and who can help you with this; she sent you an email, and, to help facilitate your request of "Please don't make me wade through miles of beaurocratic garbage to do this one simple thing" she asked you to call her directly. My advice: call her! Here is her number again: 831-459-IFEELBADPOSTINGTHERESTOFTHENUMBERFORSOMEREASON. Good luck!


Jed Milroy

Now, oddly enough, Carol never sent me an email, or at least I never recieved one from her, but whatever. I got her number! WOOT, SCORE, I'M TOTALLY IN, DOOD! I mean... cool, I guess.

If our conversation is interesting enough I'll write about it, but it probably won't be. No matter, I did what I did and I'd do it again! I have no regrets! Actually, I've got one: The intern who drafted my original email misspelt "bureaucracy." I don't see a letter of recommendation in his future.

I will update with something this weekend regardless of what happens.


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